The Airport Master Plan (AMP) is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to maintain a safe and efficient airport that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The Airport Master Plan will also:
To view the materials, please click the down arrow to view the most current version (in bold) and the historical versions of all documents.
Working Paper No. 1 includes Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Existing Conditions, and Chapter 3: Aviation Activity Forecasts.
Please click here for the Working Paper #1 Revision History
Public Testimony (video) toward UAO Master Plan during Board Meeting (December 5, 2024)
Aurora State Airport Assessment Report (2018)
Oregon Airport Land Use Compatibility Guidebook (2003)
Constrained Operations Runway Justification Study (2019)
Constrained Operations Runway Justification Study (2019) – FAA Forecast Approval Letter
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting
This meeting for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan will review the refined preferred alternative, the Airport Layout Plan (ALP), and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Airport Master Plan project.
Zoom link to attend the meeting
Public Invitation to the PAC meeting
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting
This meeting for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan covered the noise analysis and included a roundtable discussion of the alternative.
Public Invitation to the PAC meeting
Meeting Transcript, Chat, and Q&A
Drainfield background information and emails
Century West drainfield questions and answers (02/2022) - email
NV5 and Aron Faegre response to ODAV (12/21/2021) - email
Attachment 2 - EMS Drainfield Feasibility Report
Attachment 3 - Geoweb Technical Overview
Attachment 4 - Gulfstream Flight Ops
Attachment 6 - 2005 Plans HDSE Drainfield Related Sheets
Meeting Summary (will be added here once complete)
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting
This meeting, previously scheduled for September, was to further discuss the alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan.
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Meeting Transcript, Chat, and Q&A
PAC and Public Feedback on Alternatives (comments and responses), following Working Session 3
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 from 5:00-8:00pm, virtual meeting
This meeting presented the refined preliminary alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan.
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Refined Preliminary Alternatives Summary
Response to comments submitted by the City of Wilsonville on Chapters 1-4
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 5-8 pm, virtual meeting.
This meeting presented the preliminary alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan.
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Preliminary Alternatives Summary (Updated June 7, 2024)
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or by June 13, 2024 will be provided to the PAC members and included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 5-7 pm, virtual meeting.
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Chapter 4 overview video - The video does not include the technical content found in the draft chapter, and it is only intended to guide the reader through their review of the chapter.
Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements
Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements with FAA comments and responses
Meeting Summary (Updated on 06/28/24 to reflect additional comments and responses)
All written and verbal comments collected before or during the meeting, through May 14, 2024 will be included in the Meeting Summary.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 5-7 pm, virtual meeting.
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
UAO Forecast Approval - corrected (01/23/24)
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting
Public Invitation to the PAC Working Session
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Meeting Summary (updated)
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting
Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting
Updated PAC #1 Summary - includes comments from the cities of Wilsonville and Aurora
Draft Working Paper No. 1 and Appendices are listed on the "Resources & Documents" page
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting
Public invitation to the PAC meeting
All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.
Thursday, June 13, 2024 from 4:00-7:00 pm, North Marion High School
This meeting provided an opportunity for the neighbors, PAC members, and other interested community members to learn about the Airport Master Plan project and the preliminary alternatives. All written and verbal comments collected during the open house are included in the event Summary.
Postcard advertising the event
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
5:00-7:00pm, virtual meeting
Draft Working Paper No. 1 and Appendices are listed on the "Resources & Documents" page
This meeting provided an opportunity for the community, neighbors, PAC, and project stakeholders to learn about the Airport Master Plan project. All written and verbal comments collected during the open house will be included in the event Summary.
Thank you to the more than 400 people who took the first survey. The responses will help ODAV understand the Airport’s needs for the next twenty years. The survey was open from February 23 to March 25, 2022.
Submit a comment using the form below or contact the team at:
Oregon Department of Aviation
Alex Thomas, ODAV Planning and Programs Manager
An Airport Master Plan (AMP) represents the airport’s blueprint for long-term development. A few of the goals of a master plan are to:
This plan will happen in 3 phases. Planning and community outreach activities are listed for each phase.
Updated January 2025
(Click the image above to enlarge in a new tab.)
The AMP is a plan for the future of the airport and it:
An Airport Master Plan is NOT a:
If you have other questions, check out the FAQ page.
ODAV only endorses/supports data and statements that are released from this study and posted to this project website. All other statements by members of the Planning Advisory Committee and public are personal opinions. Other documents may not be endorsed by the ODAV because they are out of date, unless otherwise noted.
Please note: This page may not be reflective of all communications received to date. We will routinely update the page.
Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements with FAA comments and responses (04/16/24)
Potential for MOS related to runway extensions at UAO (03/26/24)
UAO Forecast Approval (01/23/24)
Please note: See the meeting summaries for the conversations and comments made during the PAC meetings. Emails and documents are listed by name, then date (from January to December for the years indicated).
Bob Altemus (01/19/25) - email
Brian Asher (01/21/25) - email
Bruce Bennett (01/18/25) - email
Bruce Bennett (01/22/25) - email
Stephen Brenneke (01/19/25) - email
George Buley (01/21/25) - Website comment
Steve Bush (01/20/25) - email
Jonathan Buss (01/21/25) - email
Sarah Curtiss (01/21/25) - email; attachment
Rubylea DeMarco (01/20/25) - email
John Dierks (01/19/25) - email 1; email 2
Aron Faegre (01/21/25) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3
Norm Green (01/19/25) - email
Tony Helbling (01/21/25) - email 1; email 2; attachment 1.1; attachment 1.2; attachment 2.1
Tony Helbling (01/10/25) - email
Pat Hickman (01/20/25) - email; attachment
Betsy Johnson (01/21/25) - email; attachment
Brett Kacalek (01/22/25) - Website comment
Michael Kanso (01/20/25) - email
Wendie Kellington (01/21/25) - email; attachment; exhibit
Wendie Kellington (01/21/25) - email; attachment; exhibit 1
Dave Mauk (01/21/25) - Website comment
Dave Mauk (01/21/25) - email; attachment; website comment
Kevin O’Malley (01/21/25) - email; attachment
Bill Poehler (01/02/25) - email
Bill Poehler (01/16/25) - email
Josh Pruzek (01/20/25) - email
Mary Schu (01/18/25) - email
Brad Schuster (01/21/25) - email
Tom Stevenson (01/21/25) - email; attachment
Walt Swan (01/19/25) - email
David Waggoner (01/16/25) - email; attachment
PAC Feedback Form on Alternatives (fall 2024) - Summary
Robert Altemus (12/20/24) - Website comment
John and Jean Andrews (06/17/24) - email
Chelsea Ausland (06/12/24) - Website comment
David Bakke (11/01/24) - email
Pam Barlow Lind (02/12/24) - email
Jeff Baymor (03/12/24) - email
Jeffrey Baymor (08/16/24) - Website comment
Leann Bennett (06/13/24) - email
Bruce Bennett (04/30/24) - Website comment
Bruce Bennett (05/14/24) - Website comment
Bruce Bennett (06/11/24) - email
Bruce Bennett (06/17/24) - Website comment
Bruce Bennett (06/17/24) - Website comment
Bruce Bennett (10/29/24) - email
Bruce Bennett (12/16/24) - email; attachment
Bruce Bennett (12/23/24) - email
Randal Beyers (11/10/24) - email
Jonathan Bieganski (12/23/24) - email
Kathleen Bieganski (12/18/24) - email
Stephen Brenneke (11/13/24) - Website comment
Stephen Brenneke (11/18/24) - Website comment
Stephen Brenneke (12/18/24) - email
Trent Brownlee and Tony Helbling (12/11/24) - email
George Buley (12/23/24) - Website comment
Matt Burch (12/22/24) - email
Jonathan Buss (11/14/24) - email
Trevor Conroy (06/12/24) - Website comment
Don Crouch (07/01/24) - Website comment
Zachary Cummings (11/14/24) - email
Ben Clayton (12/23/24) - email; attachment
Ted David (12/16/24) - email
Ted Davis (11/14/24) - Website comment
John Dierks (11/08/24) - email
Dallas Enger (11/01/24) - email; attachment
Aron Faegre (09/03/24) - email; attachment
Aron Faegre (12/23/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2
Aron Faegre (12/26/24) - attachment
Rick Farnbach (11/12/24) - email
Dan Fellin (12/19/24) - email
Adrian Funnell (12/19/24) - email
Bill Graupp (11/05/24) - email
Don Hardy (06/10/24) - email
Tony Helbling (05/14/24) - email
Tony Helbling (08/14/24) - email
Tony Helbling (08/15/24) - email; attachment
Tony Helbling (09/09/24) - email; attachment
Tony Helbling (10/02/24) - email
Tony Helbling (10/17/24) - email of phone call
Tony Helbling (10/17/24) - email
Tony Helbling (10/25/24) - email
Tony Helbling (10/28/24) - email
Tony Helbling/Ted Millar (10/29/24) - email; letter
Tony Helbling (12/10/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5
Tony Helbling/David Waggoner (12/10/24) - email
Tony Hebling (12/23/24) - email 1; email 2; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3
Mark Johnson (06/14/24) - email
Cat Keller (12/19/24) - email
Wendie Kellington (12/10/24) - email 1; email 2; email 3; email 4; email 5; email 6; email 7; email 8; email 9; email 10; email 11; email 12; email 13; email 14; email 15; email 16; email 17; email 18; email 19; email 20; email 21; email 22; email 23
exhibit 1; exhibit 2; exhibit 3; exhibit 4.1; exhibit 4.2; exhibit 4.3; exhibit 4.4; exhibit 4.5; exhibit 4.6; exhibit 4.7; exhibit 4.8; exhibit 4.9; exhibit 5.1; exhibit 5.2; exhibit 5.3; exhibit 5.4; exhibit 5.5; exhibit 6; exhibit 7; exhibit 8.1; exhibit 8.2; exhibit 9
Wendie Kellington (12/23/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2
Peter Kincart (11/25/24) - email
David Knowles (08/30/24) - Website comment
Aric Krause (12/18/24) - email
Matt Lawyer (12/23/24) - email; attachment
Janette and Harmon Laurin (06/10/24) - email 1; email 2
Jeff Lewis (07/02/24) - email
Joann Linville (06/10/24) - email
Kory MacGregor (12/20/24) - email; attachment
Philip Mandel (11/12/24) - email
David Mauk (09/17/24) - letter
Dave Mauk (09/17/24) - email
David Mauk (12/16/24) - Website comment
Karina Mayner (11/18/24) - email
Hannah McLaughlin (12/22/24) - email; attachment
Ken Meuser (08/29/24) - email; attachment
Ken Meuser (11/12/24) - email
Tyler Meskers (12/18/24) - email
Phillip Miller (12/3/24) - email
Ted Millar (02/08/24) - email
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (08/30/24) - email
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/03/24) - Email 1 of 9, Email 2 of 9, Email 3 of 9, Email 4 of 9, Email 5 of 9, Email 6 of 9, Email 7 of 9, Email 8 of 9, Email 9 of 9, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit K, Exhibit L, Exhibit M, Exhibit N
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/23/24) - Response to 09/03/24 email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/25/24) - emails with Kenji Sugahara
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (10/15/24) - Website Comment; email 1; email 2
Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (11/03/24) - email
Jan Moon (11/10/24) - email
Janet Moss (06/15/24) - email
Andy Nager (12/21/24) - email
Kirsten Newbury (06/11/24) - Website comment
Kirsten Newbury (09/03/24) - Website comment
Kristen Newbury (12/13/24) - Website comment
Lukas Nickerson (12/23/24) - email; attachment
No Name (06/23/24) - Website comment
James North (12/2/24) - email
Kevin O’Malley (12/23/24) - email; attachment
Jeff Oerding (11/24/24) - email
Mark Ottenad (01/25/24) - email
Mark Ottenad (05/23/24) - email
Mark Ottenad (12/4/24) - email
Allen Patterson (12/19/24) - email
Elizabeth Peters (09/23/24) - Website Comment
Denis Pilon (12/9/24) - email
Bruce Porter (12/18/24) - email
Jason Poss (10/3/24) - Website Comment
Jeffrey Pricher (10/31/24) - email
Sarah Puls (03/21/24) - email
Marci Reid (12/22/24) - email
Itamer Reuven (12/17/24) - email
Mike Rhodes (12/22/24) - email
Phil Rissel (12/18/24) - email
Matthew Robertson (12/22/24) - email
Kristin Roche (06/12/24) - Website comment
Jeff Schreiber (08/29/24) - email; attachment
Jeff Schreiber (12/23/24) - email
Wendy Schreiber (11/08/24) - email
Anne Shevlin (05/28/24) - email
Peter Stack (11/08/24) - email
Jamie Stickel (10/11/24) - email
Jamie Stickel (12/23/24) - email; attachment
John Storey (07/11/24) - Website comment
John Storey (11/08/24) - email
Stan Swan (11/17/24) - email
Walt Swan (11/08/24) - email
Walt Swan (12/18/24) - email
Alex Thomas to Betsy Johnson (12/18/24) - email; PAC protocols
Mark Tipper (07/01/24) - email
Mark Tipperreiter (07/01/24) - Website comment
Mark Tipperreiter (11/06/24) - email
Gary Turel (12/2/24) - email
Don VanBeek (11/14/24) - email
George Van Hoomissen (08/01/24) - letter
George Van Hoomissen (08/16/24) - Website comment
George Van Hoomissen (08/27/24) - email
George Van Hoomissen (09/08/24) - email; attachment
George Van Hoomissen (10/15/24) - Website Comment 1; Website Comment 2; Website Comment 3
George Van Hoomissen (12/10/24) - Website comment and email; additional email
Don VanBeek (11/14/24) - email
David Waggoner (04/29/24) - Website comment
David Waggoner (06/27/24) - email
David Waggoner (08/11/24) - email
David Waggoner (10/14/24) - email
Mike Walsh (06/13/24) - email
Ben Williams (03/12/24) - email; letter
Ben Williams (04/29/24) - email
Ben Williams (09/12/24) - letter
Ben Williams (10/04/24) - email
Ben Williams (10/08/24) - email
Ben Williams (12/6/24) - email; attachment
Josh Williams (08/28/24) - email
Patrick Willis (12/22/24) - email
Norm Willis (12/18/24) - email
Eric Winston (11/24/24) - Website comment
Trent Wright (12/23/24) - email; attachment
George Buley (10/05/23) - Website comment
Patrick Donaldson (09/09/23) - email
Jeffrey Jensen (08/09/23) - Website comment
Christian Nauer (01/23/23) - email
Ben Williams (09/27/23) - email
Lee Barckmann (03/01/22) - email
Lee Barckmann (03/01/22) - email and follow up
Bruce Bennett (04/05/22) - Website comment
Bruce Bennett (07/19/22) - email
Danielle Bethell (04/05/22) - email
Donald Bowerman (03/21/22) - Website comment
Mary Clossen (03/01/22) - email
Patrick Donaldson (05/03/22) - email
Aron Faegre (10/13/22) - Website comment
Friends of French Prairie (04/05/22) - Letter
Friends of Marion County (04/05/22) - Letter
Cornelia Gibson (03/01/22) - email
Klaus Gibson (03/01/22) - email
Tony Helbling (05/02/22) - Website comment
Pat Hickman (05/07/22) - email ; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5; attachment 6
Rian Johnson (02/08/22) - email
Roger Kaye (04/05/22) - Letter to PAC
Kevin Lane (03/23/22) - Website comment; response
Charlotte Lehan (04/05/22) - letter
Jeff Lewis (11/27/22) - letter
Jeff Lewis (11/28/22) - email
Andrew Mulkey (04/05/22) - letter
Christian Nauer (04/23/22) - email
Chris Neamztu (05/02/22) - email
Mark Ottenad (04/12/22) - email; letter with exhibits
Mark Ottenad (08/23/22) - email
Bruce Porter (02/17/22) - email
Wayne Richards (03/01/22) - email
Joe Richardson (02/28/22) - Website comment
Brad Schuster (08/22/22) - Website comment
Bryan Smith (05/31/22) - email
Daniel Stark (04/05/22) - email; response; map attachment
Steve Switzer (02/03/22) - email
Steve Switzer (03/03/22) - email and follow up
Steve Switzer (03/03/22) - email and response
Steve Switzer (04/05/22) - email
Seth Thompson (01/06/22) - email
Gerry Tunstall (03/01/22) - Website comment
William Wallace (03/01/22) - email
William Wallace (03/01/22) - email and response
Ben Williams (04/05/22) - email
Ben Williams (05/04/22) - email; email 2
Ben Williams (09/27/22) - email
John Wilson (05/02/22) - email
Aaron Woods (06/30/22) - Website comment