Airport Master Plan

Every airport owner/operator needs to look at the current use of their airport, its relationship to other airports, and expectations for how the airport will need to change in the future. This planning effort takes place every 10-20 years (on average) and helps the airport owner figure out what to study further, what to invest in, and what is crucial to fix for safety and operations.

The Airport Master Plan (AMP) is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to maintain a safe and efficient airport that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The Airport Master Plan will also:

  • Define the current, short-term and long-term needs of the Airport through a comprehensive evaluation of facilities, conditions and FAA airport planning and design standards.
  • Look at what is happening around the airport that could affect the future plans, development and operation of the airport such as land use, transportation, environmental, economic development, etc.

view of the runway at the Aurora State Airport showing the flight tower.

Oregon Department of Aviation


To view the materials, please click the down arrow to view the most current version (in bold) and the historical versions of all documents. 

Chapter 5 - Alternatives Analysis

Chapter 4 - Facility Goals & Requirements

Working Paper No. 1 includes Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Existing Conditions, and Chapter 3: Aviation Activity Forecasts.

Please click here for the Working Paper #1 Revision History

    Additional Resources

    Public Testimony (video) toward UAO Master Plan during Board Meeting (December 5, 2024)

    Aurora State Airport Assessment Report (2018)

    Oregon Aviation Plan (2018)

    Oregon Airport Land Use Compatibility Guidebook (2003)

    FAA Planning Resources

    Constrained Operations Runway Justification Study (2019)

    Constrained Operations Runway Justification Study (2019) – FAA Forecast Approval Letter

    Image of a plane taking off on the runway

    Public Meeting Information

    The project will hold meetings online, rather than in-person. Meeting materials, as well as summaries and recordings will be added to this page.

    Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Meetings

    PAC Meeting #9

    Tuesday, February 11, 2025

    5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting

    This meeting for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan will review the refined preferred alternative, the Airport Layout Plan (ALP), and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Airport Master Plan project.

    Zoom link to attend the meeting


    Public Invitation to the PAC meeting

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Meeting #8

    Tuesday, December 10, 2024

    5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting

    This meeting for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan covered the noise analysis and included a roundtable discussion of the alternative. 


    Public Invitation to the PAC meeting


    Meeting Transcript, Chat, and Q&A

    Drainfield background information and emails

    Century West drainfield questions and answers (02/2022) - email

    NV5 and Aron Faegre response to ODAV (12/21/2021) - email

    Attachment 1 - Lab Data

    Attachment 2 - EMS Drainfield Feasibility Report

    Attachment 3 - Geoweb Technical Overview

    Attachment 4 - Gulfstream Flight Ops

    Attachment 5 - GRI Report

    Attachment 6 - 2005 Plans HDSE Drainfield Related Sheets

    Meeting Summary (will be added here once complete)

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Meeting #7

    Tuesday, October 15, 2024
    5:00-8:00 pm, virtual meeting

    This meeting, previously scheduled for September, was to further discuss the alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan. 


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting


    Preferred Alternative Summary

    Draft Cost Estimates

    Meeting Transcript, Chat, and Q&A

    PAC and Public Feedback on Alternatives (comments and responses), following Working Session 3

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Working Session #3

    Tuesday, July 30, 2024 from 5:00-8:00pm, virtual meeting

    This meeting presented the refined preliminary alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan. 


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting


    Updated Project Schedule

    Refined Preliminary Alternatives Summary

    Response to comments submitted by the City of Wilsonville on Chapters 1-4

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Meeting #6

    Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 5-8 pm, virtual meeting.

    This meeting presented the preliminary alternatives for the Aurora State Airport Master Plan.


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Preliminary Alternatives Summary (Updated June 7, 2024)


    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or by June 13, 2024 will be provided to the PAC members and included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Meeting #5

    Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 5-7 pm, virtual meeting. 


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Meeting Presentation

    Chapter 4 overview video - The video does not include the technical content found in the draft chapter, and it is only intended to guide the reader through their review of the chapter. 

    Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements 

    Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements with FAA comments and responses

    Meeting Summary (Updated on 06/28/24 to reflect additional comments and responses)

    All written and verbal comments collected before or during the meeting, through May 14, 2024 will be included in the Meeting Summary.

    PAC Meeting #4

    Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from 5-7 pm, virtual meeting.  


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Press release

    UAO Forecast Approval - corrected (01/23/24)

    Meeting Presentation

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    PAC Working Session #2

    Tuesday, November 15, 2022
    3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting


    Public Invitation to the PAC Working Session

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    PAC Meeting #3

    Tuesday, May 3, 2022
    3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Meeting Presentation

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    PAC Working Session

    Tuesday, April 5, 2022
    3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Meeting Presentation

    Meeting Summary (updated)

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    PAC Meeting #2

    Tuesday, March 1, 2022
    3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting


    Public Invitation to the PAC Meeting

    Updated PAC #1 Summary - includes comments from the cities of Wilsonville and Aurora

    Meeting Presentation

    Draft Working Paper No. 1 and Appendices are listed on the "Resources & Documents" page

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    PAC Meeting #1

    Tuesday, November 16, 2021
    3:00-5:00pm, virtual meeting


    Public invitation to the PAC meeting

    PAC Protocols

    Meeting Presentation

    Meeting Summary

    All written and verbal comments collected before, during or a week after the meeting are included in the Meeting Summary, along with answers/responses to all comments and questions raised.

    Public Meetings

    Public Open House #2 - In-Person

    Thursday, June 13, 2024 from 4:00-7:00 pm, North Marion High School

    This meeting provided an opportunity for the neighbors, PAC members, and other interested community members to learn about the Airport Master Plan project and the preliminary alternatives. All written and verbal comments collected during the open house are included in the event Summary.

    Postcard advertising the event

    Preliminary Alternatives Handout

    Event and Survey Summary

    Public Open House #1

    Tuesday, March 1, 2022
    5:00-7:00pm, virtual meeting

    Event Presentation

    Draft Working Paper No. 1 and Appendices are listed on the "Resources & Documents" page

    Event Summary

    This meeting provided an opportunity for the community, neighbors, PAC, and project stakeholders to learn about the Airport Master Plan project. All written and verbal comments collected during the open house will be included in the event Summary.

    Public Survey #1

    Thank you to the more than 400 people who took the first survey. The responses will help ODAV understand the Airport’s needs for the next twenty years. The survey was open from February 23 to March 25, 2022. 

    Survey Summary

    Contact Information

    Project related comments and questions will be accepted until the Airport Master Plan Project is complete.

    Submit a comment using the form below or contact the team at:

    Oregon Department of Aviation
    Alex Thomas, ODAV Planning and Programs Manager


    What is an Airport Master Plan?

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires airport sponsors/owners to conduct periodic reviews of their airport. Federally-obligated airports must go through this process every 10-20 years, called an Airport Master Plan (AMP).

    An Airport Master Plan (AMP) represents the airport’s blueprint for long-term development. A few of the goals of a master plan are to:

    • Provide a graphic representation of existing airport features, future airport development and anticipated land use
    • Establish a realistic schedule for implementation of the proposed development
    • Identify a realistic financial plan to support the development
    • Validate the plan technically and procedurally through investigation of concepts and alternatives on technical, economic and environmental grounds
    • Prepare and present a plan to the public that adequately addresses all relevant issues and satisfies local, state and federal regulations
    • Establish a framework for a continuous planning process

    What are the planning phases?

    This plan will happen in 3 phases. Planning and community outreach activities are listed for each phase.

    • Develop Scope of Work
    • Public Involvement Strategy
    • Automated Geographic Information System (AGIS) Survey Existing Conditions Analysis
    • Aviation Activity Forecasts
    • Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings and public events
    • Define Updated Airfield Design Standards Perform Demand and Capacity Analysis
    • Define Facility Goals and Requirements
    • Identify, Prepare, and Evaluate Development Alternatives
    • Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings and public events
    • Conduct Airport Noise Evaluation Develop Strategies and Actions
    • Develop Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)/Phasing/Financial Plan
    • Develop Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Drawing Set
    • Finalize the Master Plan
    • Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings and public events

    Airport Master Plan Project Schedule (all future dates tenative)

    Updated January 2025

    Aurora State Airport Master Plan Project Schedule (tentative dates). Updated January 2025. Spanning January 2024 to May 2025, the schedule includes: Key Tasks: AGIS Survey, Existing Conditions Analysis, Aviation Activity Forecasts, Facility Goals and Requirements, Development Alternatives, Strategies & Actions, Financial Plan, ALP Drawing Set, FAA Review and Approval.Milestones and Meetings: PAC Meetings (3/12, 4/30, 6/11, 7/30, 12/10), Public Open House (9/17), PAC Working Session (12/10), Working Papers (WP #1 in Feb, WP #2 in Jul, WP #3 in Dec), Final Report in May 2025.

    (Click the image above to enlarge in a new tab.)

    What exactly is (and isn't) an AMP?

    The AMP is a plan for the future of the airport and it:

    • Is developed or updated every 10-20 years (on average)
    • Is used to review existing airport conditions and facilities
    • Includes forecasts that determine future aviation and non-aviation needs
    • Provides a “road map” for development while remaining adaptable to changing aviation industry conditions and requirements
    • Guides airport improvements that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable
    • Includes a planning-level budget for facility improvements
    • Results in a visual representation (ALP) of proposed facility improvements

    An Airport Master Plan is NOT a:

    • Design/construction project
    • Guarantee of a proposed project
    • Environmental analysis
    • County land use plan/action
    • County transportation system plan (TSP)
    • Mandated expansion of the Airport

    If you have other questions, check out the FAQ page.

    Just like a homeowner, the Oregon Department of Aviation (ODAV) needs to think about how to keep the buildings and outdoor areas, like runways, in safe working use.

    When a family grows or shrinks in size, the homeowner makes a new plan for how to use their home to fit their current needs. Plus there are regular repairs and maintenance needed, which means creating a budget and saving money to make those fixes, like a new roof or replacing a fridge.

    It is much easier to think about the future and save money for the changes that are needed, than to be reactive to changes and not know what to do. This is the same for ODAV.

    And just like a bank requiring documentation for a loan, the FAA needs to see the Airport Master Plan to provide funds for ODAV to use to improve the airport.

    What should you expect from the Aurora AMP?

    • The FAA provides 100 % of funding for the plan (in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B)
    • Discussions with stakeholders and the surrounding community will help guide the development of the plan, including the final recommendations
    • A final schedule for implementing the proposed recommendations will require environmental analysis, per the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and some projects may require additional planning and funding before design and construction can begin

    Who makes decisions?

    • The Oregon Department of Aviation (ODAV), as the airport sponsor, will make decisions about what to include in the Master Plan
    • The FAA provides guidance throughout the master planning process, but only approves the forecasts, selection of critical aircraft, and the airport layout plan. FAA also determines federal funding eligibility
    • The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) provides input at key decision points
    • The public provides comments for ODAV and the FAA to consider when making decisions about development

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    We know you have questions, and we will be addressing them throughout the duration of the project. As this project progresses, the Oregon Department of Aviation (ODAV) will continue to add to this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This list is not exhaustive but is intended to give you a basic understanding of airport planning.

    In the table of contents below, jump the page by clicking on the questions.

    ODAV only endorses/supports data and statements that are released from this study and posted to this project website. All other statements by members of the Planning Advisory Committee and public are personal opinions. Other documents may not be endorsed by the ODAV because they are out of date, unless otherwise noted.

    Public Records

    Please note: This page may not be reflective of all communications received to date. We will routinely update the page.

    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Correspondence

    Chapter 4 - Draft Airport Facility Requirements with FAA comments and responses (04/16/24)

    Potential for MOS related to runway extensions at UAO (03/26/24)

    UAO Forecast Approval (01/23/24)

    Email transmittal - Memo to acknowledge changes to draft Working Paper #1 and a request for official FAA review of the Aviation Activity Forecasts. (05/19/22)

    Email transmittal - formal request for FAA review of Working Paper #1 including draft Chapter 3, Aviation Activity Forecasts (05/20/22)

    PAC and Public Correspondence 

    Please note: See the meeting summaries for the conversations and comments made during the PAC meetings. Emails and documents are listed by name, then date (from January to December for the years indicated). 


    Bob Altemus (01/19/25) - email

    Brian Asher (01/21/25) - email

    Bruce Bennett (01/18/25) - email

    Bruce Bennett (01/22/25) - email

    Stephen Brenneke (01/19/25) - email

    George Buley (01/21/25) - Website comment

    Steve Bush (01/20/25) - email

    Jonathan Buss (01/21/25) - email

    Sarah Curtiss (01/21/25) - email; attachment

    Rubylea DeMarco (01/20/25) - email

    John Dierks (01/19/25) - email 1; email 2

    Aron Faegre (01/21/25) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3

    Norm Green (01/19/25) - email

    Tony Helbling (01/21/25) - email 1; email 2; attachment 1.1; attachment 1.2; attachment 2.1

    Tony Helbling (01/10/25) - email

    Pat Hickman (01/20/25) - email; attachment

    Betsy Johnson (01/21/25) - email; attachment

    Brett Kacalek (01/22/25) - Website comment

    Michael Kanso (01/20/25) - email

    Wendie Kellington (01/21/25) - email; attachment; exhibit

    Wendie Kellington (01/21/25) - email; attachment; exhibit 1

    Dave Mauk (01/21/25) - Website comment

    Dave Mauk (01/21/25) - email; attachment; website comment

    Kevin O’Malley (01/21/25) - email; attachment

    Bill Poehler (01/02/25) - email

    Bill Poehler (01/16/25) - email

    Josh Pruzek (01/20/25) - email

    Mary Schu (01/18/25) - email

    Brad Schuster (01/21/25) - email

    Tom Stevenson (01/21/25) - email; attachment

    Walt Swan (01/19/25) - email

    David Waggoner (01/16/25) - email; attachment


    PAC Feedback Form on Alternatives (fall 2024) - Summary

    Robert Altemus (12/20/24) - Website comment

    John and Jean Andrews (06/17/24) - email

    Chelsea Ausland (06/12/24) - Website comment

    David Bakke (11/01/24) - email

    Pam Barlow Lind (02/12/24) - email

    Jeff Baymor (03/12/24) - email

    Jeffrey Baymor (08/16/24) - Website comment

    Leann Bennett (06/13/24) - email

    Bruce Bennett (04/30/24) - Website comment

    Bruce Bennett (05/14/24) - Website comment

    Bruce Bennett (06/11/24) - email

    Bruce Bennett (06/17/24) - Website comment

    Bruce Bennett (06/17/24) - Website comment

    Bruce Bennett (10/29/24) - email

    Bruce Bennett (12/16/24) - email; attachment

    Bruce Bennett (12/23/24) - email

    Randal Beyers (11/10/24) - email

    Jonathan Bieganski (12/23/24) - email

    Kathleen Bieganski (12/18/24) - email

    Stephen Brenneke (11/13/24) - Website comment

    Stephen Brenneke (11/18/24) - Website comment

    Stephen Brenneke (12/18/24) - email

    Trent Brownlee and Tony Helbling (12/11/24) - email

    George Buley (12/23/24) - Website comment

    Matt Burch (12/22/24) - email

    Jonathan Buss (11/14/24) - email

    Trevor Conroy (06/12/24) - Website comment

    Don Crouch (07/01/24) - Website comment

    Zachary Cummings (11/14/24) - email

    Ben Clayton (12/23/24) - email; attachment

    Ted David (12/16/24) - email

    Ted Davis (11/14/24) - Website comment

    John Dierks (11/08/24) - email

    Dallas Enger (11/01/24) - email; attachment

    Aron Faegre (09/03/24) - email; attachment

    Aron Faegre (12/23/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2

    Aron Faegre (12/26/24) - attachment

    Rick Farnbach (11/12/24) - email

    Dan Fellin (12/19/24) - email

    Adrian Funnell (12/19/24) - email

    Bill Graupp (11/05/24) - email

    Don Hardy (06/10/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (05/14/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (08/14/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (08/15/24) - email; attachment

    Tony Helbling (09/09/24) - email; attachment

    Tony Helbling (10/02/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (10/17/24) - email of phone call

    Tony Helbling (10/17/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (10/25/24) - email

    Tony Helbling (10/28/24) - email

    Tony Helbling/Ted Millar (10/29/24) - email; letter

    Tony Helbling (12/10/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5

    Tony Helbling/David Waggoner (12/10/24) - email

    Tony Hebling (12/23/24) - email 1; email 2; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3       

    Mark Johnson (06/14/24) - email

    Cat Keller (12/19/24) - email

    Wendie Kellington (12/10/24) - email 1; email 2; email 3; email 4; email 5; email 6; email 7; email 8; email 9; email 10; email 11; email 12; email 13; email 14; email 15; email 16; email 17; email 18; email 19; email 20; email 21; email 22; email 23

    exhibit 1; exhibit 2; exhibit 3; exhibit 4.1; exhibit 4.2; exhibit 4.3; exhibit 4.4; exhibit 4.5; exhibit 4.6; exhibit 4.7; exhibit 4.8; exhibit 4.9; exhibit 5.1; exhibit 5.2; exhibit 5.3; exhibit 5.4; exhibit 5.5; exhibit 6; exhibit 7; exhibit 8.1; exhibit 8.2; exhibit 9

    Wendie Kellington (12/23/24) - email; attachment 1; attachment 2

    Peter Kincart (11/25/24) - email

    David Knowles (08/30/24) - Website comment

    Aric Krause (12/18/24) - email

    Matt Lawyer (12/23/24) - email; attachment

    Janette and Harmon Laurin (06/10/24) - email 1email 2

    Jeff Lewis (07/02/24) - email

    Joann Linville (06/10/24) - email

    Kory MacGregor (12/20/24) - email; attachment

    Philip Mandel (11/12/24) - email

    David Mauk (09/17/24) - letter

    Dave Mauk (09/17/24) - email

    David Mauk (12/16/24) - Website comment

    Karina Mayner (11/18/24) - email

    Hannah McLaughlin (12/22/24) - email; attachment          

    Ken Meuser (08/29/24) - email; attachment

    Ken Meuser (11/12/24) - email

    Tyler Meskers (12/18/24) - email

    Phillip Miller (12/3/24) - email

    Ted Millar (02/08/24) - email

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (08/30/24) - email

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/03/24) - Email 1 of 9, Email 2 of 9, Email 3 of 9, Email 4 of 9, Email 5 of 9, Email 6 of 9, Email 7 of 9, Email 8 of 9, Email 9 of 9, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, Exhibit F, Exhibit G, Exhibit H, Exhibit I, Exhibit J, Exhibit KExhibit LExhibit MExhibit N

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/23/24) - Response to 09/03/24 email; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (09/25/24) - emails with Kenji Sugahara

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (10/15/24) - Website Comment; email 1; email 2

    Ted Millar c/o Wendie Kellington (11/03/24) - email

    Jan Moon (11/10/24) - email

    Janet Moss (06/15/24) - email

    Andy Nager (12/21/24) - email

    Kirsten Newbury (06/11/24) - Website comment

    Kirsten Newbury (09/03/24) - Website comment

    Kristen Newbury (12/13/24) - Website comment

    Lukas Nickerson (12/23/24) - email; attachment  

    No Name (06/23/24) - Website comment

    James North (12/2/24) - email

    Kevin O’Malley (12/23/24) - email; attachment

    Jeff Oerding (11/24/24) - email

    Mark Ottenad (01/25/24) - email

    Mark Ottenad (05/23/24) - email

    Mark Ottenad (12/4/24) - email

    Allen Patterson (12/19/24) - email

    Elizabeth Peters (09/23/24) - Website Comment

    Denis Pilon (12/9/24) - email

    Bruce Porter (12/18/24) - email

    Jason Poss (10/3/24) - Website Comment

    Jeffrey Pricher (10/31/24) - email

    Sarah Puls (03/21/24) - email

    Marci Reid (12/22/24) - email

    Itamer Reuven (12/17/24) - email

    Mike Rhodes (12/22/24) - email

    Phil Rissel (12/18/24) - email

    Matthew Robertson (12/22/24) - email

    Kristin Roche (06/12/24) - Website comment

    Jeff Schreiber (08/29/24) - email; attachment

    Jeff Schreiber (12/23/24) - email

    Wendy Schreiber (11/08/24) - email

    Anne Shevlin (05/28/24) - email

    Peter Stack (11/08/24) - email

    Jamie Stickel (10/11/24) - email

    Jamie Stickel (12/23/24) - email; attachment

    John Storey (07/11/24) - Website comment

    John Storey (11/08/24) - email

    Stan Swan (11/17/24) - email

    Walt Swan (11/08/24) - email

    Walt Swan (12/18/24) - email

    Alex Thomas to Betsy Johnson (12/18/24) - email; PAC protocols

    Mark Tipper (07/01/24) - email

    Mark Tipperreiter (07/01/24) - Website comment

    Mark Tipperreiter (11/06/24) - email

    Gary Turel (12/2/24) - email

    Don VanBeek (11/14/24) - email

    George Van Hoomissen (08/01/24) - letter

    George Van Hoomissen (08/16/24) - Website comment

    George Van Hoomissen (08/27/24) - email

    George Van Hoomissen (09/08/24) - email; attachment

    George Van Hoomissen (10/15/24) - Website Comment 1; Website Comment 2; Website Comment 3

    George Van Hoomissen (12/10/24) - Website comment and email; additional email

    Don VanBeek (11/14/24) - email

    David Waggoner (04/29/24) - Website comment

    David Waggoner (06/27/24) - email

    David Waggoner (08/11/24) - email

    David Waggoner (10/14/24) - email

    Mike Walsh (06/13/24) - email

    Ben Williams (03/12/24) - email; letter

    Ben Williams (04/29/24) - email

    Ben Williams (09/12/24) - letter

    Ben Williams (10/04/24) - email

    Ben Williams (10/08/24) - email

    Ben Williams (12/6/24) - email; attachment

    Josh Williams (08/28/24) - email

    Patrick Willis (12/22/24) - email

    Norm Willis (12/18/24) - email

    Eric Winston (11/24/24) - Website comment

    Trent Wright (12/23/24) - email; attachment


    George Buley (10/05/23) - Website comment

    Patrick Donaldson (09/09/23) - email

    Jeffrey Jensen (08/09/23) - Website comment

    Christian Nauer (01/23/23) - email

    Ben Williams (09/27/23) - email


    Lee Barckmann (03/01/22) - email

    Lee Barckmann (03/01/22) - email and follow up

    Bruce Bennett (04/05/22) - Website comment

    Bruce Bennett (07/19/22) - email

    Danielle Bethell (04/05/22) - email

    Donald Bowerman (03/21/22) - Website comment

    Mary Clossen (03/01/22) - email

    Patrick Donaldson (05/03/22) - email

    Aron Faegre (10/13/22) - Website comment

    Friends of French Prairie (04/05/22) - Letter

    Friends of Marion County (04/05/22) - Letter

    Cornelia Gibson (03/01/22) - email

    Klaus Gibson (03/01/22) - email

    Tony Helbling (05/02/22) - Website comment

    Pat Hickman (05/07/22) - email ; attachment 1; attachment 2; attachment 3; attachment 4; attachment 5; attachment 6

    Rian Johnson (02/08/22) - email

    Roger Kaye (04/05/22) - Letter to PAC

    Kevin Lane (03/23/22) - Website comment; response

    Charlotte Lehan (04/05/22) - letter

    Jeff Lewis (11/27/22) - letter

    Jeff Lewis (11/28/22) - email

    Andrew Mulkey (04/05/22) - letter

    Christian Nauer (04/23/22) - email

    Chris Neamztu (05/02/22) - email

    Mark Ottenad (04/12/22) - email; letter with exhibits

    Mark Ottenad (08/23/22) - email

    Bruce Porter (02/17/22) - email

    Wayne Richards (03/01/22) - email

    Joe Richardson (02/28/22) - Website comment

    Brad Schuster (08/22/22) - Website comment

    Bryan Smith (05/31/22) - email

    Daniel Stark (04/05/22) - email; response; map attachment

    Steve Switzer (02/03/22) - email

    Steve Switzer (03/03/22) - email and follow up

    Steve Switzer (03/03/22) - email and response

    Steve Switzer (04/05/22) - email

    Seth Thompson (01/06/22) - email

    Gerry Tunstall (03/01/22) - Website comment

    William Wallace (03/01/22) - email

    William Wallace (03/01/22) - email and response

    Ben Williams (04/05/22) - email

    Ben Williams (05/04/22) - email; email 2

    Ben Williams (09/27/22) - email

    John Wilson (05/02/22) - email

    Aaron Woods (06/30/22) - Website comment
